A National Network for Young Professionals with Israel at Heart

IAC Edge is a national network of Jewish and Israeli-American young professionals, ages 22-42, who are passionate about Israel and professional development and who are looking to harness Israeli and Jewish entrepreneurship, innovation and Israel as a startup nation.

Members have exclusive and FREE access to cutting-edge events in New Jersey and across the country, which allows you to broaden your professional network, get engaged with top business leaders and gain exposure to new and diverse opportunities, both professionally and personally. 


  • Meet and learn from industry leaders and successful entrepreneurs in exclusive social and business networking meet-ups
  • Enhance your professional development and get hands-on skills
  • Have the opportunity to collaborate with all EDGE members across the country and increase your personal brand awareness
  • Receive mentorship from industry expert in your field
  • Enjoy significant discounts to IAC EDGE National Summits
  • Access national webinars on various innovative and professional topics
  • Join the IAC March of the Living trip with other young professionals  (April 2020)
  • Qualified members can join a free Birthright trip for young professionals  (Summer 2020)
  • Be a part of a collaborative community that keeps Israel in its heart and Israeliness in its spirit.

Become a Member

IAC EDGE (Young Professionals) in New Jersey seeks to strengthen the connection between young Israeli professionals, Jewish American young professionals, and to Israel, by encouraging personal participation, engaging in thought-provoking dialogue and involvement in cultural activities

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