Yakir Avrahami

CEO, S&L Remodeling and Design

Hello, I'm Yakir Avrahami, a husband to Shira and father to three beautiful children, the owner of S&L Remodeling and Design. With the help and support of my beautiful wife, I created my company based on the premise of “Families First”. I am very family oriented. I enjoy camping with a purpose. It generally means spending time with those close to me to build relationships. I enjoy learning as well as teaching. My personal goal in life is to create a life filled with abundant possibilities. I believe that a man does not exist by himself. Life is only enriched with relationships. 

My professional platform is owner of S&L Remodeling and Design. We are a full service group. We specialize in everything from the foundation to the roof but before we are contractors, salespeople or anything else, we are a family unit which only enriches my personal mission.