How do you commemorate the Holocaust?
"Zikaron BaSalon" events will take place between April 28th and May 2nd
In the Bay Area.

Zikaron BaSalon (Hebrew for “memories in the living room”) is an annual event, which takes place on Israeli Holocaust Memorial Day. The idea was born from the understanding that the connection between today's society and the memories of the Holocaust, has significantly deteriorated.

​Zikaron BaSalon offers a new, meaningful and intimate way to commemorate this day and address its implications through discussions at home among family, friends and guests. It is a unique and authentic tradition of people gathering together to open their hearts to the stories of the survivors, sing, think, read, talk and most importantly- listen.

This coming Holocaust Memorial Day, we invite you to take part in shaping a Holocaust memorial, to host or participate in a gathering of Zikaron BaSalon.